Feb 4, 2021 Q&A mortal sin anger family Justice law Q&A 90 Q. Hi! Quite a while ago, you had quoted St. Paul when some other guy had asked you for concrete examples of mortal sins. And
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A heaven love mortal sin Virtue Vice death grace Q&A 84 Q. Honestly! Don't you find Q&A 83 more than just a little bit discouraging!? I find it extremely unfair, unloving, hung up over little
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A grace heaven Purgatory mortal sin Q&A 83 [Rather long this one... Apologies...] Q. Good morning! I was re-reading your messages concerning forgiveness of sins, purgatory and sainthood (cf. Q&A 38-40). Where
Feb 2, 2021 Q&A forgiveness freedom love pain/suffering repentance salvation mortal sin venial sin Q&A 40 Q. Ok. So back to my earlier question: which sins exactly can be forgiven in this world and which in the next? A. Ah yes.
Feb 2, 2021 Q&A anger heaven mortal sin Q&A 39 Q. I was hoping you'd give concrete examples of mortal sins rather than just theory... A. Well St. Paul lists a number of them: "...fornication,