Feb 2, 2021 Q&A forgiveness freedom love pain/suffering repentance salvation mortal sin venial sin Q&A 40 Q. Ok. So back to my earlier question: which sins exactly can be forgiven in this world and which in the next? A. Ah yes.
Feb 2, 2021 Q&A angels creation heaven love nature/environment sex church women family Q&A 30 Q. You were saying the bad angels are out to destroy things that remind them of God. A. Yes. Very much like a teen who
Feb 2, 2021 Q&A angels heaven hell love Q&A 29 Today we celebrate the feastday of the holy Guardian Angels. On Tuesday we had celebrated that of the 3 Archangels whose names we know of
Feb 2, 2021 Q&A love Q&A 28 Q. What do you mean how practical is my love? A. Just that! As one saint exclaimed, "Love is deeds, not sweet words." But the
Feb 2, 2021 Q&A love Pope Francis Pope Benedict XVI Pope John Paul II mercy Q&A 27 Q. Why is Pope Francis so different? A. Well a meme I received a year ago aptly summarised the last 3 pontificates and the underlying