Feb 4, 2021 Q&A Faith love mercy mystery Trinity Q&A 100 Another long one... Q. How do you guys explain the mystery of the Trinity? As in seriously. No malice intended; I don't plan to argue
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A freedom love predestination Q&A 95 Q. For me a more meaningful question covers the link between an all-knowing "higher other" and predestination. How can I possibly be free if God
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A knowledge love marriage Mass covenant Q&A 88 Q. Second point...? A. Second point is you cannot love what you do not know. This applies both with things and with people. St. Paul
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A heaven love mortal sin Virtue Vice death grace Q&A 84 Q. Honestly! Don't you find Q&A 83 more than just a little bit discouraging!? I find it extremely unfair, unloving, hung up over little
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A sin divine filiation nonsense omnipotence love Q&A 78 Q. Yo! A few random questions I had... A. Shoot! Q. Can God make a rock so heavy He cannot lift? A. The question is