Feb 4, 2021 Q&A science law dogma Q&A 188 Q. So this is my two cents on this… In science a law is a statement with predictive qualities about nature. These laws are formulated
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A atheism church Commandments forgiveness dogma law Q&A 187 A bit long this one... Q. Decisions especially big, life-changing ones are like a pendulum. So when I left Catholicism, I swung to the complete
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A Eucharist grace law sacraments sacrifice Q&A 135 Q. Wow! That's a bit too deep for me... Sacrifice? Sacrament? You lost me there. A. OK. Let's try another explanation. This time from an
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A law mercy sex divorce freedom friendship Q&A 112 Apologies this one went well over the word limit. Q. Spiritual law of self-preservation!? Haven't heard that one before! A. I use it analogously. If
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A children friendship law Q&A 111 Q. But you guy! I still have this unsatisfied feeling that you haven't really answered my question... A. Which one? Q. When am I expected