Feb 4, 2021 GTMaudios Leadership apostolate little things GTM Leadership Ep.7 -Episode 7 of 12 -The power of the few -The power of little things You can listen to Episode 7 here [https://anchor.fm/ram-ritho/
Feb 4, 2021 GTMaudios Leadership apostolate GTM Leadership Ep.6 -Episode 6 of 12 -Anything we keep for ourselves - including skills, talents and opportunities - rots, festers, spoils and dies. -What use is one
Feb 4, 2021 GTMaudios Leadership apostolate parable of the talents GTM Leadership Ep. 5 -Episode 5 of 12 -Parable of the Talents You can listen to Episode 5 here [https://anchor.fm/ram-ritho/episodes/GTM-Leadership-Ep--5-eptu0r].
Feb 4, 2021 GTMaudios Leadership apostolate GTM Leadership Ep.4 -Episode 4 of 12 -2nd challenge to leadership: fear of paying the price -Beginning in leadership by beginning with the head You can listen to
Feb 4, 2021 GTMaudios Leadership apostolate indifference GTM Leadership Ep.3 -Episode 3 of 12 -Indifference You can listen to Episode 3 here [https://anchor.fm/ram-ritho/episodes/GTM-Leadership-Ep-3-eptso0].