Feb 4, 2021 Q&A science Commandments Faith freedom Q&A 98 Q. No! Explain it to me now. Please? A. Ok. So basically your motto contradicts itself. Q. What do you mean? A. "What science cannot
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A sex freedom Q&A 96 Q. Factors like? A. Well anything that clouds our intellect or tampers with our will. Q. For example? A. Well since freedom is about choices
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A freedom love predestination Q&A 95 Q. For me a more meaningful question covers the link between an all-knowing "higher other" and predestination. How can I possibly be free if God
Feb 4, 2021 Q&A freedom law salvation punishment science Q&A 91 Q. This salvation is weird in the sense that you are not saved unless you accept the saviour. So let's take God to be a
Feb 3, 2021 Q&A freedom repentance sin Q&A 64 Today, 3rd day of Christmas, we celebrate the big feast day of the Holy Family of Nazareth: Jesus, Mary & Joseph. Q. This is God we