Q&A 78

Q. Yo! A few random questions I had...

A. Shoot!

Q. Can God make a rock so heavy He cannot lift?

A. The question is a contradiction in terms.  It's like asking "Can God make a square circle?"  "Can God both walk through a wall and not walk through a wall at the same time?"

It is one or the other.  Words don't become meaningful just because we add a question mark at the end. "Can God adfjdbnvnbvcghafgahdfk?"

Essentially the answer is no to all of them because they are nonsense.  God cannot do nonsense.

Q. That sounds dangerously like saying there are things that God cannot do! That God - an infinitely perfect God - is limited!

A. Indeed.  God does have limitations. His perfect and infinite nature "limits" him e.g. He cannot not do things perfectly much like you cannot not do things the way you do things; He cannot stop being God in the same way a president can stop being president...  I guess it is similar to the way you cannot stop being you even if you changed your behaviour 180 degrees.

Q. Let me digest that one...  Then what does it mean to sin?  What is sin? Ok.  I know it's going against God's will, but what exactly is it?

A. Augustine defines sin as "a turning away from God and a turning towards creatures".

Basically, all sin is some form of idolatry: making a good thing - whether ideology, a person, a thing, an experience - the ultimate thing.  Making means into ends.

Q. But what is it to God?  Why does God get offended, yet He created the same will that has the potential to go against Him?

A. God "catches feelings" about our sins, not because of what they do to Him, but because of what they do to US.  We are his children.  He cares deeply what we do to ourselves.  Any father or mother - or person who has been in love - would understand this.

Tomorrow we launch the blog finally!

24thJanuary 2016