Q&A 30

Q. You were saying the bad angels are out to destroy things that remind them of God.

A. Yes. Very much like a teen who doesn't want to be reminded of a love they had but lost, the devil and his angels also try to destroy anything that reminds them of their "lost love":

-HUMANS since we are made in God’s image (and thus the many wars of nations and kingdoms and tribes against each other)

-THE FAMILY since God himself is a trinitarian family (and thus the current war on redefining the family to include all sorts of sad combinations that make it harder for anyone to see the reflection of the Trinity in it)

-SEX since it pro-creates while God creates i.e. sex helps God create more people... (and thus the culture war to legalise homosexual unions that by definition cannot give life, not to mention the whole push for contracepted sex and "backup contraception" aka abortion)

-WOMEN since she to her family, like God to his creation, is the fertile, ever-giving source of life, love and union (and thus the on-going degradation and defamation of women in general and motherhood in particular)

-THE CHURCH since she is the visible presence of God among his people throughout time (and hence the persecution of the Church, her doctrines and her members right from Jerusalem 2000 years ago in the times of Herod, to Garrisa and Syria in our times today).

-NATURE since being God's handiwork it bears his telltale signature "MADE IN HEAVEN" (and thus the degradation of the environment that Pope Francis' last encyclical addresses)

-TRUTH since God is truth (and thus the philosophical war of relativism since the middle ages that screams her slogans "there is no truth" and "may be true for you, but not for me").

These are some of the wars the devil is systematically waging to get rid of God and anything that reminds him of God.

"Stay strong in the faith." St Peter told the first Christians... And us too.

6thOctober 2015