Q. Just as the Christians posit their god as the causer, what stops us from positing that:

- a kid in a school in a species of higher existence shoddily made this universe as h/w (homework)

- a universe made through the work of numerous infinite beings

A. "a kid in a school in a species of higher existence"

Nothing stops you from positing this. Labels don't matter as long as the reality we are talking about, the reality we are labeling, is the same.

About the "shoddily made this universe as h/w" part, you cannot give what you don't have. The kid who made this universe - if he were the sole maker and/or moulder of the universe - would need to have the characteristics we see in the universe (and to a higher/greater extent/intensity). If we agree on that, we can agree on your "shoddily made this universe as h/w" statement.

Q. Also, why does the creator have to have POWER OVER EVERYTHING as opposed to merely POWER OVER SOMETHING?

A. An author has AUTHORity (power) over what he has precisely AUTHORed. So as regards God I guess the question should be what exactly has he authored?

2ndMay 2015