Q&A 174
Q. Anyway, as interesting a side bar as that is, we're getting sidetracked from the point of my argument.
A. Then let's get back on track...
Q. So as I was saying, you tend to make the assumption that nature is good and caters for us and our needs (all this through design).
What happens IF we could show you that homosexuals ARE sufficient parents? Would your stance change?
A. No it wouldn't.
1. "The end doesn't justify the means." A true statement that is very easy to speak but can get incredibly complex to apply in many concrete situations. But as a true statement it applies here in homosexual parenting.
2. Does this mean all heterosexual parents are better than all homosexual parents? Not even nearly! I wish it were that simple. But odds (or statistics if you prefer, at least in the States) are against a homosexual person being psychosomatically healthy. And odds are a psychosomatically unhealthy individual will not be a healthy parent.
3. Marriage is equally about the children as about the couple themselves. Law's function is to create as conducive an environment as possible for the children to grow up healthy. Homosexuality is not conducive for (psychosomatic) health.
Q. Nope. You're not seeing my point... Let me ask a slightly different question...
A. OK...
Q. You'd said earlier that there's something the invention is meant to do. And the user discovers this use, purpose, objective, end...
A. Correct.
Q. Allow me to focus on this for now... The whole idea that man - or anything else - has a given nature or design and that going against such natures or designs is "unnatural" or "bad" or "evil".
A. By all means.
Q. Which of the following do you support and why?
a. 12 year old girls first menstruate around 12 years. That means that they are designed to have babies at that age. Therefore we should have babies with them at that age.
b. Men are naturally violent and aggressive. This can be supported by data and statistics. Therefore, whatever designed us wanted us to be violent. We should start wars and beat up people because it is in our nature.
c. Humans were 'made' with reproductive systems. Therefore, we should all procreate. Therefore, nobody should be childless or celibate except for those who cannot have children biologically.
A. Dude! Questions don't get easier do they!?
(To be continued...)
2ndMarch 2018