Q&A 11

Q. "Procreation and unity are the 2 natural purposes of sex..." According to who!? Who said!?

A. According to nature.

Throw a piece of meat in a stomach and something naturally happens (to the meat).  Throw sex into a couple and something naturally happens (to the couple).

The something that happens to the meat is the purpose of the stomach. The something that happens to the couple is the purpose of sex. For both the stomach and the sex, these purposes are natural i.e. they derive from what a stomach is or what sex is. They are independent of whom/what they act on. They are independent of what any doctor or internal medicine manual may say or what any pope or encyclical may say. Rather, the doctor, pope, manual and encyclical depend on the objective reality of what the stomach and sex are, and what they do. These realities or natures do not change: a stomach in a Semitic pastoralist from 100yrs ago does the exact same thing as that from a Turkish czar from 2000yrs ago or yours does now. So too with sex.

But what happens to the meat in the stomach? It gets digested. How do we know that? By comparing what goes into the stomach with what comes out of the stomach - compare the before and after.

What happens to the couple if we compare them before and after sex? First they experience a pleasure or happiness or attachment. This pleasurable attachment or union is at the same time both so strong and so real. So strong that it makes two people, two loves, two minds, two hearts into one: the couple now speaks of our love - never our loveS (mine for you and yours for me). So real that it gets a life of its own and 9 months later they have to give it a name.

Sex - according to what it is - naturally unites and naturally procreates.

Q. The unity is dependent on the chemicals released. Some sexual encounters fail to release them, ergo the people who had sex do not feel'united'.

A. Well paralysed people don't feel their limbs. Doesn't mean they're not there... But let's not get stuck on that...

Q. Haha! I don’t think that example fits.  In my opinion sex does not always 'unite' given that this feeling is also dependent on factors outside the act itself; in other words we can't apply blanket unity to all sexual encounters.

A. We agree sex doesn't always unite, but I think we also agree it normally and naturally does. Just like digestion doesn't always nourish but it normally and naturally does.

If you eat nails and bottle tops, the stomach will still attempt to digest them and draw nourishment from them. If you fornicate, that sex will still attempt to unite and procreate. Both will be frustrated because of disorder: the nails and bottle tops are indigestible and in fornication, the usually contracepting pair have no intention of being united. Their beautifully pro-unitive, pro-creative sexual act is denied and negated by their physical and mental contraception. Their sex becomes a lie.

Sex's unifying aspect depends on external factors you said. True. Digestion's nourishing aspect depends on external factors also. But as digestion tries to adapt and get around these factors so that it achieves its normal and natural purpose, so does sex.

5thJuly 2015