Q&A 10

Q. First off, last week's message presupposes the existence of a soul, which puts the burden of proof on you. In essence, there must be a soul before there can be acts injurious to it, but how can we know that this really is the case?

A. Your question is proof there is.  Only beings with a soul can question. Chemicals, plants and animals can't question precisely because they don't have a soul (and consequently the faculties necessary to question: intellect and will).

Or if you prefer, you tell a donkey a joke, it doesn't get it and give a donkey laugh. Why? Because it has no intellect to understand the joke.  (You may tell your boyfriend the same joke and he doesn't laugh either, but that's a different matter                               )

Basically, our spiritual functions - thinking and loving - must come from a spiritual source. We call this spiritual source the soul. All the pagan Greek philosophers and the great religions Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Christian agree on the existence of a spiritual nature of man.

Q. Secondly, how does masturbation mortally injure the soul?

A. We can answer this one beginning with a syllogism

a. Everything created has a purpose.

b. Sex was created

c. Therefore sex has a purpose

Anything that diverts sex from its purpose therefore can be said to pervert it.

All perversions - whether physical, intellectual, electrical, biological, chemical, sexual - have the same 3 effects you would get from using anything for something it is not intended: injury to the would-be-user, damage to the object being misused and frustration in achieving the desired goal.

For example, if I were to attempt using a radio to boil water,

a. I would probably get electrocuted (injury to the would-be user)

b. The radio would short-circuit or blow up (damage to the object)

c. I would not manage to boil any water (frustration in achieving the desired goal)

Masturbation has these same 3 effects:

a. I weaken my will (injury to the would-be user; all vices weaken the will)

b. I damage the faculty of sex in my life (damage to the object being misused; sex is meant to be a physical giving of one's whole self to another. Masturbation neither "gives" nor does so "to another". Because it doesn't give, it can't procreate; because it doesn't involve "another" it can't unite. Procreation and unity are the 2 natural purposes of sex.)

c. I end up unhappy (frustration of desired goal).

The above tries to explain why masturbation is a sin.

Q. By why is it a mortal sin?

A. Because when a husband and a wife beget a child, God is necessarily invoked to create a soul for that new human being. Sex is serious, sex is sacred because it directly involves God. And this human love we have - that both reflects and involves Divine Love is one of the most beautiful realities on earth. Therefore, anything that touches on it - especially to pervert, mar or desecrate it - is serious.

Happy Fathers' Day!

28th June 2015