GTM Part 23
You’ll have to think a bit deep for this one…
Still on the topic of how I get to know myself. We’ve mentioned self-reflection and friends’ feedback. We’ve mentioned temperament tests. We haven’t mentioned the Creator.
- To every effect there must be a cause. In this sense, no effect is “accidental” in the strict sense of the word. Every effect (whether a phenomenon, a creature, a creation or an invention) has a cause.
- According to Aristotle, there are four different kinds of causes: the material, the formal, the efficient, and the final. The material cause is what anything is made of; the formal cause is the form, type, or pattern according to which it is made; the efficient cause is the immediate power acting to produce the work; the final cause is the end or motive for the sake of which the work is produced. So, for example, the material cause of a statue is the marble from which it was carved; the efficient cause is the sculptor; the formal cause is the shape the sculptor realized –Hermes, perhaps, or Aphrodite; and the final cause is its function, to be a work of fine art or to sell it for profit.
- I did not make myself. I am not my own cause. I am an effect. Therefore, I too must have a material, a formal, an efficient and a final cause.
- As a human, my material cause (what I am made of) is flesh and spirit, body and soul.
- My formal cause, is double-barrelled. On one hand, the pattern I am made after in both body and soul, is God. I am made in God’s image in both body and soul. Further to that, my body is also made in the pattern of a specific animal species (homo sapiens).
- My efficient cause is also double-barrelled. I did not create myself, I was created. Technically speaking we say my parents pro-created me. They “gave a hand” in my creation. They gave a hand in creating my body. They are my efficient cause. God directly created my soul. God too is my efficient cause.
- My final cause, the reason God made me, is (for) happiness. And for Short Exercise 23 of today, read how one lady explains this last point as found in the annex.