
Despite feelings and appearances to the contrary, the lockdown is not exactly a holiday. And even if it were, any young man (in university or already working) would want this time to be "manly" time - a manly lockdown.

Far too few of us have ever thought through what exactly it means to be a man…

Short Exercise 1:

  1. Open a new note now on your phone before reading on.
  2. List the top 3 characteristics of what the ideal man - to your mind - should have.
  3. For each characteristic, list 2 men who embody that characteristic. Two real men - not fictional characters.
        Once you've completed this first exercise, read on.

Your list in no. 2 above will typically comprise qualities and characteristics that we call virtues - literally "manly habits" - good manly habits.

  1. "Good” because they precisely make you more of a man.
  2. “Manly” because they don’t depend on your religion, education, age or social background but on the fact that you’re a human being.  If you’re a human you should have these good habits.
  3. ”Habits” because they are not congenital characteristics or things you chance upon. They are acquired qualities - acquired through repetition - "training" if you prefer.
  4. Training is purposeful, planned or intentional repetition aimed at achieving a very specific goal.
        Our goal - your goal - is to be a man. If it isn't, stop reading! And may a thousand desert fleas descend upon you!