GTM Part 29
We’re almost a month into the daily Guide to Manliness. It’s a good chance to take stock of your progress in body, in mind and in soul. We continue to focus on foundational principles and today, a bit on the body.
End-month Self Evaluation
- Do I now know who my good friends are? Have I also been able to determine who are those other “friends” I need to distance myself from?
- Am I a good, real and loyal friend? Really.
- My body struggles to remain healthy if I eat trash. My mind and my soul struggle to remain healthy if I consume trash. Am I watchful about the entertainment I consume (movies, series, music, anime, video games)? Am I critical about the books I read, Twitter handles and IG pages I follow, podcasts I subscribe to? Are there conversations – even among friends – that I simply do not entertain, or do I consume everything indiscriminately?
- Especially in these lockdown days, do I take advantage of my “active informal education” to improve my human capital?
- Am I striving to study my faith as professionally and as deeply as I do my own academics or professional occupation?
- As a Christian man, am I striving to learn how Christ lived? Where he lived? When he said what? How far he walked? How he prayed as a Jew? How tall he was?
- Even after Part 21, do I still keep clothes and shoes that are worn out, torn or simply don’t fit me?
- Do I need more or newer clothes? While we wait for the lockdown to end, have I consulted with a colleague on good shops/vibandas to buy from and at what price?
- In these days of lockdown, and even though I will not be stepping out of the house, do I spend the whole day in the same clothes I slept in?
- Am I exercising at least twice a week for more than 30min each session? Do I push myself?
- Am I sincerely trying to reach as many men as I can and to challenge, encourage and assist them along the paths of manliness?
Here, revisit the questions in Not-so Short Exercise 24 (Part 24) and No. 3 of Part 25.