Part 15 introduced us to the idea of freedom, dependency and truth. Summary: you will be more free, the more dependent you are on your truth, on what your are or better yet, on what you are made to be.
But how do I know what I am or what I’m made to be? Part 16 begun to answer that. Summary: reflection and feedback. Self-reflection and feedback both from friends (Part 17) and from your mentor (Part 20).
Part of who you are is what we call your temperament. Strictly speaking, it is distinct from your character and from your personality.
Temperament + character = personality
Short Exercise 22
There are a number of different tests you can do to figure out your temperament. The results from these different tests are also tabled in a variety of ways ranging upwards
from the 4 traditional and basic temperaments. One you could try is found at Try it out now and share the results with your mentor.
Temperament is given to us by nature. It is the pattern of inclinations and reactions that proceed from the physiological constitution of an individual. It is our native predisposition to react in certain ways. We are born with our temperament and we cannot change it: we die with the qualities and defects of our temperament.
On the foundation of temperament, we build character. Character is made up of virtues. Virtues are moral habits, acquired through training. We are not born with character; it is something we build.
Through character we compensate for the weakness of our temperament.